A Study of Factors of Lifestyle and its impact on Nutraceutical Consumption: India Perspective
A. S. Suresh1, Bhavna Pawar2
1Professor, Institute of Management, Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka
2Scholar, Institute of Management, Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka
*Corresponding Author E-mail: suresh.a@christuniversity.in
Lifestyle is a major change occurring in the Indian scenario. People have started adapting to a newer lifestyle.These changes can have several consequences on the health of the people. In order to compensate for this, there is a shift in the mind set of people towards consumption ofNutraceuticals .India is a developing nation and purchasing power of the people is increasing day by day leading to changing lifestyles. Impact of lifestyle on health have been studied extensively by the other researchers, but not many studies have been conducted on Nutraceuticals which is one of the burning topics of the industry. Although, there have been some researches on Nutraceuticals, there are very limited studies in the Indian Context and hence the impetus for this study.Sample of 100 respondents with a good heterogeneous mix was randomly chosen for this study. Multiple Linear regression was used as inferential modelto analyse the impact of lifestyle changes and the rising use of Nutraceuticals.The study revealed that there was a significant rise in the use of Nutraceuticals due to the impact caused on health as a result of the newer lifestyle adapted.
KEYWORDS: Lifestyle, purchasing power, nutraceuticals, supplements
1. Diet:
Diet plays a major role in determining the health of an individual. Unhealthy diet can result in various problems such as obesity, cardiopathy.
2. Exercise:
In order to be healthy, exercise is a must. Nowadays, doctors recommend exercise as remedy for various health problems.
3. Sleep:
Sleep deprivation is one such factor that cannot be isolated from lifestyle. Due to the changing lifestyle patterns, several sleep disorders have prevailed in the society. Today, young children also suffer from these disorders and have a restless behaviour. Sleep thus has an impact on the mental health as well.
4. Sexual behaviour:
Sexual behaviour has its share in determining the life style pattern of the individuals. Sex is also a physiological requirement of a healthy lifestyle. Dysfunction of sex relation can affect the physical as well as the mental health of the individual.
5. Substance abuse:
Excess of everything is harmful. This excess often results into its addiction and thereby in the abuse of the substance. These substances can include alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes etc.
6. Medication abuse:
Medication abuse can occur when people indulge inSelf-medication, using non-prescribed drugs, excess amount of medications etc.
7. Recreation:
Effective utilisation of one’s leisure time can also determine the quality of lifestyle. It helps in building a sense of motivation for the further tasks to be done.
The nutraceutical business in India is estimated at $2.2 billion starting in 2015 and is expected to grow at the rate of 20% every year to reach $6.1 billion by 2020. Consumers in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal appear to spend more per capita on nutraceuticals than other states. In any case, significant urban communities, for example, Mumbai and Delhi are prime markets for such items too. Utilitarian nourishment and drinks represent 68% of the business. The rest of made out of vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS).In the VMS classification, Amway India's Nutrilite is a standout amongst the most well-known supplements. Notwithstanding conventional western VMS, ayurvedic natural supplements are sought after among Indian buyers. Ayurvedic items incorporate Baidyanath's Chyawansprash and Emami Ltd's. Torment reliever Zandu Balm. Vitamin World, an auxiliary of New Yorkbased NBTY, offers home grown supplements, for example, turmeric and ashwagandha (known as "Indian ginseng"). Noticeable Pittsburghbased GNC offers protein supplements notwithstanding VMS.
The practical sustenance class includes probiotics, omega3 unsaturated fat items, and ayurvedic items. Indiabased Mother Dairy and Amul are the main makers of probiotic yogurt (dahi). Settle's ActiPlus is another well-known brand across India. Mother Dairy's Nutrifit and Francebased Danone's Yakult are well known probiotic drain drinks. Norwegian Denomega and British Croda are real makers of omega3 oils. Dabur India represents considerable authority in Ayurvedic food items, for example, Dabur Honey and Dabur Rose Water.
The practical refreshment section comprises of vitality and games drinks, braced squeezes, and malted drain. Famous caffeinated drinks in India incorporate Red Bull GmbH's Red Bull and Hansen Natural Corp's. Monster.Amul's Stamina was the initially massmarketed sports drink in India. The braced juice section is overwhelmed by CocaCola's Minute Maid juices and PepsiCo's Tropicana juices. U.K.based GlaxoSmithKline leads in the malted drink section with its brands Horlicks, Boost, and Viva.
Source: A Brief report on Nutraceutical products in India February 2015
India is a developing nation and purchasing power of the people is increasing day by day leading to changing lifestyles. Impact of lifestyle on health have been studied extensively by the other researchers, but not many studies have been conducted on Nutraceuticals which is one of the burning topics of the industry
Chingwaru (2010) in this article has examined the problems related to the newer changing lifestyle. New dietary patterns, genuine patterns and utilization have wellbeing, ecological and social effect. The European Union is battling diseasesfor a present generation, for example, obesity, osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, sensitivities and dental issues. Developed nations are additionally confronted with issues identifying with aging problems, high vitality foods, and unhealthy food. The capability of nutraceuticals / food supplements in alleviating medical issues, particularly in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, was considered. Certain microbes from gut microflora (e.g., probiotic/defensive strains) assume a part in the host wellbeing because of its contribution in dietary, immunologic and physiological capacities. The potential components by which nutraceuticals / food supplements may adjust a host's wellbeing were additionally highlighted in this paper.
ManishaPandey (2010) has described the current nutraceutical scenario. The term of nutraceutical was begun from the overview in U.K., Germany and France which presumed that eating pattern (diet) is appraised more exceedingly by buyers than exercise or genetic variables for accomplishing great wellbeing. Nutraceutical is a term authored to depict substances which are not generally perceived supplements but rather which have positive physiological consequences for the human body. They don't effortlessly fall into the lawful classification of food and drug and frequently possess a hazy area between the two. Danger of poisonous quality or unfriendly impact of medications drove us to consider more secure nutraceutical and practical nourishment based methodologies for the wellbeing administration. This brought about an overall nutraceutical transformation. The nutraceutical upset will give rise to onset for a new nutraceutical industry like the pharmaceutical industry.
Starr (2015) highlights the issues related to the consumption of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are controlled in the United States by the FDA under the provisions of the DSHEA. Various difficulties in administrative implementation have huge health outcomes, including lacking assessment of security, inadequate necessities for viability, negligible observation for unconfirmed naming and promoting claims, low quality affirmation and control, and holes in announcing of AEs with regards to a post-advertise administrative system. All things considered, supplements keep on being utilized at a high rate in light of the fact that most customers are clueless about these issues. The US open is not very much secured by existing laws, with the potential for damage from supplement utilize extending from budgetary misfortune to genuine antagonistic wellbeing results. Regardless of whether people in general would be better off without the current administrative framework and the incorrect feeling that all is well with the world it gives is sketchy.
Samira Aliabadi (2014) depicted that how lack of awareness about the sport supplements can have harmful effects on the athletes. In order to increase this awareness, the paper suggest that there should be various training programs conducted to propagate the possible threats
Fuentes (2014) talks about the regulation of nutraceuticals in the market.There is no particular control in Spain for the utilization of nutraceuticals other than vitamins and minerals. The report thus claims to impose regulations on these nutraceuticals for the betterment of the people. This also includes that the food supplements should be well labelled highlighting its possible effects.
Chaldoupis (2011) talks about the quality and accessibility of the food supplements and its harmful effects on the health of the people.There are no limitations on appropriation of health nourishments in Serbia. Thus, food supplements might be acquired at various places, for example, drug stores, health and food stores, from the approved wholesalers; deals through Internet might be seen as not prudent, but rather are not unequivocally prohibited. By being so generally accessible, food supplements in the markethave thus been considered not to cause any harm to the society. The report highlights the contrast in it by depicted several cases that proved some food supplements of spurious quality and can also be potentially harmful to the health of the people.
LLM (2010) talks about the need for the regulation of the food supplements. The European Union has been facing different issues related to the marketing of food supplements across various countries. As these food supplements can have counter reactions with the drugs and other substances, its marketing should also be given equal importance. The report highlights the importance of some stringent laws for governing these food supplements similar to that of the drugs (medicines).
Corini (2015) emphasises on the need for regulatory guidelines for the food supplements. The consumption of food supplements such as those derived from plants, algae, lichens, fungialong with the regular balanced diet enriches the diet and also makes the individual healthy. The report gives an outline of the Italian regulation guidelines for these food supplements. It includes the labelling of these supplements. Also, it talks about the quality measures of such supplements and the other requirements for marketing of such botanicals.
Meisterernst (2011) talks about the abolishment of all the foods for the nutritional purposes due to the health risks associated with it. Only neonatal foods and foods for the medical purposes should be continued in the market. The report also highlights the misuse of the supplements and thus hazardous effect on the health.
Ranjani R. Starr (2015) talks about the consumption of dietary supplements in US and the issues related to the consumption. Many people in the United States administer dietary supplements to sustain good health or improve their health. However, the efficacy of these supplements is still questionable. It is still grey that these supplements can prevent diseases. Also, safety about these supplements is the current issue raised. With the high accessibility to these supplements, there is a risk of misuse of these supplements. The FDA has certain guidelines in order to monitor and resolve such issues.
Fiona Hawke (2013) talks about the sleep quality and health related quality lifestyle. The study showed that people with poor lifestyle quality had trouble sleeping and often had muscle cramps. These cramps were clearly derived from the poor quality of sleep and thus impacted health of the individuals.
Ashish Chandra (2005) has highlighted the attitudes, perception of elderly people towards increasing use of food supplements. The main reason for its consumption was found to be it made them feel better and second most important reason was it acted as a preventive measure for various diseases.
David Godfrey (2002) emphasizes the need for consuming balanced diet. He also points that people are at risk due to the changing lifestyle for not getting the required amount of micronutrients.
Jennifer Sheldon (2003) compared the people who consumed food supplements and those who didn’t consume. The findings showed that people who consumed food supplements were healthy and had high bone density, calcium levels, vitamins etc. but however, these results varied across age groups, ethnic background, lifestyle etc.
Dagerman (2012) stresses on the fact that there is a significant rise in the consumption of food supplements. But with this increase in its consumption also lies a risk of safety. There are no stringent rules as that of the drugs manufacturing. Thus, the author says that there should be some incentivising schemes that will motivate the manufacturers to manufacture these supplements by considering safety as the primary criteria.
Stephanie Y. Crawford (2005) talks about the importance of health claims made on the labelling of the supplements. Improper labelling could cause adverse effects on the health of consumers.
Viviva Kraak(2002) identified people with three set of perception towards food supplements. The one who considered these supplements as the replacement for the food, the second who consumed these supplements along with the balanced food, and the third one who were unaware about the benefits of these supplements.
All the research focuses on the awareness and safety of the use of nutraceuticals in the European market. There is no study done in the Indian scenario. This research endeavours to fill in this gap and understand the level of awareness about the nutraceuticals in the Indian market. Moreover not much studies are done with regard to the relationship between the lifestyle variables and the rising use of nutraceuticals in the market.
· To understand the awareness levels of nutraceuticals.
· To study the impact ofthe significant lifestyle variables on the rising use of Nutraceuticals in India.
H0: There is no awareness of Nutraceuticals in India.
Ha: There is no awareness of Nutraceuticals in India.
H0: There is no significant impact of lifestyle variables on the rising use of Nutraceuticals in India.
Ha: There is significant impact of lifestyle variables on the rising use of Nutraceuticals in India.
3.1.1Conceptual Framework for Hypothesis-2 and variables investigated:
The sample population included a heterogeneous mix of male and female respondents belonging to the age group of 20 and 45 years. This age group is selected as this group is majorly affected by the lifestyle changes. The sample included 100 respondents with a mixture of occupations i.e. people with different occupations were considered who also lived a sedentary as well as hectic lifestyle such as the IT professionals, teachers, students. There were two types of data involved – primary and secondary. The research is an exploratory one. Multiple Linear regressions was used as inferential model. The primary data was collected through administration of questionnaire to sample respondentswhich incorporated the various variable responses related to the lifestyle changes and the use of Nutraceuticals. The secondary data was collected from the various authentic research journals.
Multiple linear regressions was performed to establish the degree of co-relation between Impact of lifestyle changes and the rising use of Nutraceuticals.Following are the 17 components which were used for deriving this relationship using regression analysis.
Table 5.1: Nomenclature of 17 Components
1 Mood |
I am short tempered |
I feel left out |
At times I think I am no good at all |
I certainly feel useless at times |
I get irritated very easily most of the time |
I often get nervous and anxious |
I feel afraid for no reason at all |
I get upset easily |
I easily get panicked |
I have nightmares |
I have trouble sleeping at night |
2 Relationship |
I feel as if nobody really understands me |
My social relationships are superficial |
No one really knows me well |
People are around me but not with me |
I feel down hearted and blue most of the times |
3 Benefit Awareness |
Vitamin consumption makes me feel revived and energetic |
Consumption of herbal supplements assures me about my health |
Minerals consumption compensates for my mineral imbalance |
Eating nutritional supplements compensates for this loss |
I consume it because of the derived health benefits from them |
4 Balanced Diet |
Eating healthy and nutritious food makes me feel happy |
I am health conscious |
I consume balanced diet everyday |
5 Smoking Drinking |
What is your smoking frequency |
Drinking alcohol makes me feel forget the worries |
Smoking cigarettes makes me feel forget the worries |
6 Disease |
Are you suffering from any of these condition |
Food supplements are good for the body |
People should consume these supplements in order to have a balanced nutritional requirement |
7 Attitude |
I take a positive attitude toward myself |
I feel energetic even after the working hours |
I utilise my leisure time in my hobbies |
8 Commution |
Long daily commuting hours makes me feel tired |
9 Time |
I often spend time with my family |
I often spend time with my friends |
I enjoy my life and live it to the most |
10 Food Supplement |
Do you consume any food supplements |
If Yes Which ones |
11 Work Culture |
I prefer organic food items |
Due to the changing work culture, all the nutritional needs are not satisfied due to time scarcity |
12 Exercise |
How often you go to the gym |
How often you exercise |
13 Necessity |
Do you feel it is a necessity in the Indian scenario |
14 Sleep |
I always get a sound sleep |
I like eating fast food eg. pizzas, burgers etc. |
15 Yoga |
How often you practice yoga |
16 Alcohol |
How often you drink alcohol |
I feel that personal relationships affects my behaviour/ mood |
17 Loneliness |
I am unhappy doing so many things alone |
Regression (linear) is used to predict the value of one variable (dependent variable) based on other variable (independent variable)
Table Model Summary Table
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.491 |
.241 |
.192 |
.406 |
R determines the correlation between the predicted and observed values which is 49% Adjusted R2 tells the goodness of fit of the model. Adjusted R2= 0.192 explains 19.2% variance i.e. the model has 19.2% predictive power. Thus, if the values of all the independent variables are known for a respondent the value of dependent variable can be predicted with an accuracy rate of 19.2%.
Table ANOVA Table
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
4.862 |
6 |
.810 |
4.927 |
.000 |
Residual |
15.298 |
93 |
.164 |
Total |
20.160 |
99 |
Here the significance value is 0.000. Thus, we can reject the null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant awareness about the Nutraceuticals in the Indian market.
Thus, it implies that there is certain amount of awareness about nutraceuticals among the mindset of the people.
Table Coefficients Table
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
T |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
1.838 |
.139 |
13.218 |
.000 |
Vitamin consumption makes me feel revived and energetic |
-.027 |
.046 |
-.074 |
-.598 |
.552 |
Consumption of herbal supplements assures me about my health |
.226 |
.057 |
.604 |
3.934 |
.000 |
Minerals consumption compensates for my mineral imbalance |
-.030 |
.062 |
-.074 |
-.482 |
.631 |
Eating nutritional supplements compensates for this loss |
-.040 |
.049 |
-.111 |
-.819 |
.415 |
I consume it because of the derived health benefits from them |
-.042 |
.050 |
-.114 |
-.858 |
.393 |
Food supplements are good for the body |
-.129 |
.044 |
-.325 |
-2.920 |
.004 |
It is used to frame the regression equation. When the value of X=0, then the value of the equation will be equal to that of the constant (in this case, 1.838)
Regression equation= 1.838+ (Vitamin*-0.027) + (Herbals*0.226) + (Minerals*-0.030) + (Supplements*-0.040) + (Benefits*-0.42) + (Good*-0.129)
Thus, it implies that all the variables consiered has some impact on the awareness. From the above equation it is clear that the consumption of herbals has a positive impact on health and thereby creating awareness.
Table Model Summary Table
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.917 |
.842 |
.734 |
.622 |
R determines the correlation between the predicted and observed values which is 91.7% Adjusted R2 tells the goodness of fit of the model. Adjusted R2= 0.734 explains 73.4% variance i.e. the model has 73.4% predictive power. Thus, if the values of all the independent variables are known for a respondent the value of dependent variable can be predicted with an accuracy rate of 73.4%
Table ANOVA Table
Model |
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
121.509 |
40 |
3.038 |
7.843 |
.000 |
Residual |
22.851 |
59 |
.387 |
Total |
144.360 |
99 |
Here the significance value is 0.000. Thus, we can reject the null hypothesis i.e.
There is no significant relationship between the lifestyle changes and rising use of Nutraceuticals. (Derived Benefits). Thus, it implies that people consume these nutraceuticals for their derived benefits on their health.
Table Coefficient Table
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
-.644 |
.954 |
-.675 |
.502 |
The nature of my work is very hectic |
-.257 |
.174 |
-.227 |
-1.478 |
.145 |
There is no work life balance |
.230 |
.206 |
.212 |
1.116 |
.269 |
I always get a sound sleep |
.195 |
.089 |
.182 |
2.185 |
.033 |
I am short tempered |
-.150 |
.119 |
-.157 |
-1.262 |
.212 |
I feel that personal relationships affects my behaviour/ mood |
-.545 |
.107 |
-.507 |
-5.108 |
.000 |
I often have mood swings |
.193 |
.113 |
.212 |
1.711 |
.092 |
Long daily commuting hours makes me feel tired |
.055 |
.133 |
.054 |
.411 |
.683 |
I am unhappy doing so many things alone |
-.104 |
.151 |
-.093 |
-.689 |
.493 |
I feel as if nobody really understands me |
-.576 |
.263 |
-.616 |
-2.192 |
.032 |
I feel left out |
.682 |
.290 |
.680 |
2.354 |
.022 |
My social relationships are superficial |
-.034 |
.205 |
-.035 |
-.167 |
.868 |
No one really knows me well |
.117 |
.205 |
.125 |
.572 |
.569 |
People are around me but not with me |
.193 |
.279 |
.181 |
.694 |
.490 |
At times I think I am no good at all |
-.700 |
.171 |
-.790 |
-4.089 |
.000 |
I certainly feel useless at times |
.861 |
.241 |
.860 |
3.569 |
.001 |
I take a positive attitude toward myself |
.541 |
.139 |
.462 |
3.879 |
.000 |
I feel down hearted and blue most of the times |
.318 |
.156 |
.337 |
2.037 |
.046 |
I am restless and can't keep still |
-.409 |
.168 |
-.372 |
-2.431 |
.018 |
I get irritated very easily most of the time |
.151 |
.153 |
.166 |
.989 |
.327 |
I often get nervous and anxious |
.208 |
.167 |
.217 |
1.252 |
.216 |
I feel afraid for no reason at all |
-.333 |
.178 |
-.318 |
-1.868 |
.067 |
I get upset easily |
.094 |
.146 |
.093 |
.646 |
.521 |
I easily get panicked |
-.491 |
.177 |
-.515 |
-2.771 |
.007 |
I have nightmares |
.378 |
.172 |
.375 |
2.198 |
.032 |
I have trouble sleeping at night |
.121 |
.119 |
.126 |
1.017 |
.313 |
I feel energetic even after the working hours |
-.204 |
.110 |
-.178 |
-1.859 |
.068 |
I utilise my leisure time in my hobbies |
-.032 |
.119 |
-.028 |
-.271 |
.787 |
Drinking alcohol makes me feel forget the worries |
.014 |
.126 |
.014 |
.113 |
.911 |
Smoking cigarettes makes me feel forget the worries |
-.101 |
.171 |
-.110 |
-.593 |
.556 |
I often spend time with my family |
-.100 |
.131 |
-.085 |
-.765 |
.447 |
I often spend time with my friends |
-.244 |
.164 |
-.198 |
-1.491 |
.141 |
I enjoy my life and live it to the most |
.364 |
.267 |
.336 |
1.364 |
.178 |
Eating healthy and nutritious food makes me feel happy |
.304 |
.150 |
.261 |
2.031 |
.047 |
I am health conscious |
.064 |
.191 |
.055 |
.337 |
.737 |
I consume balanced diet everyday |
-.032 |
.169 |
-.030 |
-.192 |
.849 |
I prefer organic food items |
-.329 |
.176 |
-.325 |
-1.872 |
.066 |
I like eating fast food eg. pizzas, burgers etc. |
.265 |
.096 |
.279 |
2.744 |
.008 |
My work environment has a lot of influence on my diet |
-.139 |
.139 |
-.116 |
-1.002 |
.320 |
Due to the changing work culture, all the nutritional needs are not satisfied due to time scarcity |
-.301 |
.171 |
-.266 |
-1.757 |
.084 |
Eating nutritional supplements compensates for this loss |
.937 |
.144 |
.970 |
6.522 |
.000 |
It is used to frame the regression equation. When the value of X=0, then the value of the equation will be equal to that of the constant (in this case, -0.644)
Regression equation= -0.644 + (Nature*-0.257) + (Work Balance*0.230) + (Sleep*0.195) + (Temper*-0.150) + (Relationship*-0.545) + (Mood Swings*0.193) + (Commuting*0.055) + (Unhappy*-0.104) + (Understanding*-0.576) + (Left out*0.682) + (Superficial Relationship*-0.034) + (Knows*0.117) + (Surrounding*0.193) + (Worthless*-0.700) + (Useless*0.861) + (Positive Attitude*0.541) + (Down Hearted*0.318) + (Restless*-0.409) + (Irritation*0.151) + (Nervousness*0.208) + (Afraid*-0.333) + (Upset*0.094) + (Panicked*-0.491) + (Nightmares*0.378) + (Trouble Sleep*0.121) + (Energetic*-0.204) + (Leisure Time*-0.032) + (Drinking Alcohol*0.014) + (Smoking Cigarettes*-0.101) + (Family Time*-0.100) + (Friends Time*-0.244) + (Enjoy*0.364) + (Healthy Food*304) + (Health Conscious*0.064) + (Balanced Diet*-0.032) + (Organic Food*-0.329) + (Fast Food*0.265)+ (Work Environment*0.139) + (Work Culture*-0.301) + (Compensates Loss*0.937)
Thus, it implies that all the variables of lifestyle considered has some impact on use of these supplements and their benefits. From the above equation it is clear that the major benefit compensating loss of these micronutrients, supplements are used extensively and is thus positively correlated.
Thus, it can be shown that around 18% people prefer Botanicals, 14% people prefer Vitamins.
The data analysis gave rise to the following findings:
· There was a significant impact of lifestyle on the health of the individuals.
· There is a significant awareness about the nutraceuticals in the Indian market.
· There is a significant relationship between the lifestyle changes and rising use of nutraceuticals.
· Herbal preparations are preferred category of supplements.
· All the considered variables in the study accounts for 83% variance on the study. Thus, the variables which are not considered accounts for only 17%. It can be inferred from this that the variables considered are adequate for the study.
· The lifestyle variables considered certainly exhibited an impact on the awareness about the nutraceuticals thereby giving rise to their consumption.
· It was also found, that people were aware about the herbal preparations and thus consume it widely.
· For the regression model of awareness of vitamins and its consumption, it was found that the model’s accuracy of prediction was 64.3%
· It can be inferred that due to changes in lifestyle, all the consumption pattern has altered and people are now switching to the se nutraceuticals.
· The major reason for the consumption of vitamins was to compensate for the loss of vitamins in the original diet.
· There were also people who consumed these for the derived benefits from them.
· For the regression model of the awareness of minerals and its consumption, it was found that similarly as that of vitamins. people consumed it to compensate for their loss in the diet.
· For the regression model of awareness of herbals and its consumption, it can be seen that people consumed herbal preparations for two reasons: to compensate for the loss and second for their mental well-being.
· Thus, in the Indian market it can said that people consume the nutraceutical for either of the two reasons: compensate for the loss or benefits gained from it.
· There can be an entire new niche Nutraceutical Industry in order to cater to this market.
· Pharmaceutical companies can expand their horizons into this domain and capitalize on this opportunity.
· Industry can also focus on increasing the awareness in the people
· Industry should market these products not as a replacement therapy but products with additional benefits associated with them.
· The study was carried out on a small sample size which may be inadequate to generalize the results to the entire population.
· The sample selected was very specific to 3 occupations (teachers, students, IT professionals). Thus, there is a future scope of study to include different occupations.
· Nutraceutical awareness is confined to the food supplements and do not involve the other categories of the same.
The study reveals that there is a certain amount of awareness about these nutraceuticals in the market. However, it can be concluded that this awareness is not sufficient for the betterment of the society. For this betterment to occur, awareness should be created to change the perspective of people from looking at these nutraceuticals as a means to com pensate for their loss, to considering it for the additional health benefits gained from it too.. The day is not far when these nutraceuticals will be an entire new industry where the major giants of the industry will be competing to cater to the increasing demands of the people.
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Received on 24.08.2017 Modified on 19.12.2017
Accepted on 25.01.2018 ©A&V Publications All right reserved
Asian Journal of Management. 2018; 9(1):203-211.
DOI: 10.5958/2321-5763.2018.00031.8