The paper focuses on preference of factors that affect job satisfaction among academicians in management colleges in Faridabad .The present paper attempts to bring in light factors that faculties prefer and rank important in term of job satisfaction and also how as per various demographic variables the value of job satisfaction varies amongst them. From the study it is quite clear that in terms of ranking dimension teaching, research and pay is the most preferred whereas supervision, role of co-workers and infrastructure are amongst the least preferred dimension. Also on basis of demographic variable senior faculties in terms of age drawing higher salaries are most satisfied.
The study has implications for management bodies to take care of dimensions which faculties prefer to attain maximum satisfaction, reduce attrition and improve upon those factors which hinder the performance.
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Vijit Chaturvedi, MK Sethi. Job satisfaction among academicians:-A study with reference to Management Colleges (both Government and Private) in Faridabad. Asian J. Management 1(1): Jan. – Mar. 2010 page 04-07.
Vijit Chaturvedi, MK Sethi. Job satisfaction among academicians:-A study with reference to Management Colleges (both Government and Private) in Faridabad. Asian J. Management 1(1): Jan. – Mar. 2010 page 04-07. Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2010-1-1-2