Anahita Naderian, Rohaizat Baharun
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Anahita Naderian1*, Dr. Rohaizat Baharun2
1PhD Fellow, University Technology Malaysia, Faculty of Management, 83310 Johor, Malaysia
2University Technology Malaysia, Faculty of Management, 83310 Johor, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 6,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2015
Hospitality is one of the global industries which play a great role in generating profit in most countries. To survive restaurant sector which is a part of hospitality industry a dedicated consideration to customer loyalty seems vital. Hence, this research takes two steps towards assessing loyalty at fine-dining restaurant located in hotels in Malaysia. First, study investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility on customer satisfaction. Second, examines the satisfaction –loyalty relationship through identifying the moderating role of switching cost. The data is collected through self-administrated questionnaire from 100 organizers of corporation who have managed for their organization being served at fine-dining inside hotels of Klang Valley, Malaysia since last year. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the reliability and validity of data and the hypothesized relationships in the proposed research model.
Cite this article:
Anahita Naderian, Rohaizat Baharun. Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Behavior. Asian J. Management; 6(4): Oct. -Dec., 2015 page 249-255. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2015.00036.0
Anahita Naderian, Rohaizat Baharun. Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Behavior. Asian J. Management; 6(4): Oct. -Dec., 2015 page 249-255. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2015.00036.0 Available on: