Nandini N S, Ajay R
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Nandini N S1*, Ajay R2
Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Science, Gnanagangothri Campus, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2021
This study is on impact of forensic audit towards investigation and prevention frauds in any financial performances or corporate companies. The incessant financial Fraud resulting to corporate collapse and the failure of the statutory audit to detect and prevent fraudulent activities which had led to the impoverishment of investors had given rise to need for forensic auditor. In view of the above this paper considers the impacts of forensic auditor on corporate governance. The study was a theoretical research which considered the roles of forensic auditors in combating fraudulent activities, distinction of forensic auditor and statutory auditor, characteristic of forensic auditor and impact of forensic auditor on corporate governance. Data generated were analyzed using charts, graphs, tables and regression. Our findings revealed that forensic audit has a significant negative impact on number of fraud cases, number of staff involved in fraudulent activities and data collected with the sample size of 125 respondents through the well-structured questionnaires from the Auditors, Accountants, Managers, Professional Accountants and Accounting Knowledgeable persons with this data we have used SPSS Methodology to find the Regression, Correlation Coefficient, Descriptive statistics, Reliability test, Anova, Factor analysis. From studies carried out this paper is forensic auditors having improved management accountability, strengthened external auditor’s independence and assisting audit committee members in carrying out their oversight function by providing them assurance on internal audit report have impacted positively to corporate governance, thereby reducing corporate failure and impoverishment of investors.
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Nandini N S, Ajay R. A Study on impact of Forensic Audit towards Investigation and Prevention of Frauds. Asian Journal of Management. 2021; 12(2):186-2. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00028
Nandini N S, Ajay R. A Study on impact of Forensic Audit towards Investigation and Prevention of Frauds. Asian Journal of Management. 2021; 12(2):186-2. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00028 Available on:
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