Mobile Financial Services (MFS) is one of the new inventions of the modern financial system. The study investigated the challenges rural peoples face during their use of MFS in Bangladesh. Specifically, the study sought to gain an understanding of what are their major barriers in using MFS. The study was mainly descriptive research. Data sources were MFS users living in rural areas. The study used a semi-structured interview protocol for rural users. A total of 10 rural users were chosen conveniently from five upazilla in Barishal city. The findings suggest that rural users’ low knowledge and awareness level, high transaction cost, and technological issues were some major challenges of users to use MFS. These challenges have an extremely negative impact on their actual use. Therefore, Government and MFS providers need to consider these challenges and take necessary steps to provide a better service to the rural people.
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Md. Mehadi Rahman. The Rural Users Challenges with Mobile Financial Services (MFS) In Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Management. 2021;12(4):359-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00054
Md. Mehadi Rahman. The Rural Users Challenges with Mobile Financial Services (MFS) In Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Management. 2021;12(4):359-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00054 Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-12-4-2
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