Puja Walia Mann, Manish Jha
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Prof. (Dr.) Puja Walia Mann1, Mr.Manish Jha2
1Head-Department of Management, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, 70th km milestone
Vill- Pattikalyana, Samalkha-Panipat, Haryana-132102
2Sr. Asst. Professor-Department of Management, Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology, Kapashera, New Delhi
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 5,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2014
Recognizable brand names appeared in movies from cinema’s earliest history, before films were even narrative forms in the sense that they are recognized today. Product placement is an investment for brands trying to reach a niche audience as consumers to focus interest for a particular product. A high cost feature film that has expectations of grossing millions attract many product attention but the film studios has to analyze if a product fits with the image of the film, Movie advertisements are subtle. Every time you see a character in a movie drinking a coke, you can be pretty sure it is an advertisement. Celebrities are both advertising for movies, and advertising for themselves. In the entertainment industry, famous stars are advertisements for a given film, and self-promotion machines. If you see a famous actress in a show, this alone might make you want to see the movie. You may also be inclined to purchase fan type material like T-shirts or dolls or books about these people, who are also in themselves products for consumption in the entertainment industry. In many ways a movie is like a long advertisement for a celebrity, in that if they are entertaining, a viewer will be more inclined to see other movies with this same person starring.
This Research has been significantly done to examine the importance of Marketing and Brand Promotion in the Entertainment Industry, Authors have tried to focus on this aspect with the aid of Three (3) hit Bollywood Movies.
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Puja Walia Mann, Manish Jha. Product Placement in Bollywood – A Study on Hit Hindi Movies. Asian J. Management 5(1): January–March, 2014 page 90-96.
Puja Walia Mann, Manish Jha. Product Placement in Bollywood – A Study on Hit Hindi Movies. Asian J. Management 5(1): January–March, 2014 page 90-96. Available on: