Today world is suffering from Pandemic i.e. Covid-19. This pandemic changes many people lifestyle, aware about hygiene practices, changes in food style. But still hygiene practices it is very necessary part to know which hygiene practice is best for us?. Today most of the people use sanitizers as well different masks for prevention from Covid-19. But it is necessary to know which type of things are good for us. In these article e also add a survey report in that we ask different 20 questions from common peoples related to their daily lifestyle. And also related with their awareness and what changes occur during pandemic?
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Ritik S. Jain, Tejas G. Jain, Suraj K. Ishikar. Impact of Covid-19 on Changing Habits and Health Issues of the Public. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(4):524-528. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00077.3
Ritik S. Jain, Tejas G. Jain, Suraj K. Ishikar. Impact of Covid-19 on Changing Habits and Health Issues of the Public. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(4):524-528. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00077.3 Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-11-4-22
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