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Author(s): Justice Mensah

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DOI: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00019   

Address: Justice Mensah
Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

Although sustainable development (SD) has social, economic, and environmental dimensions as its pillars, the social aspect is virtually overlooked in development debates, making it the least conceptually developed and addressed in policy and practice. This paper draws on literature review to illuminate the concept of social sustainability (SS) and how it could be better appreciated and promoted. Data were sourced from scholarly databases and grey literature, and analysed using the qualitative content analysis approach. The review reflects the consensus that SS is essentially about maintaining an appreciable level of social wellbeing for both the present and future generations. Key factors for promoting and maintaining SS include, but are not limited to; equity, peace and security, freedom, education, justice, health, participation and inclusion, and empowerment, which can be achieved mainly through good governance and commitment. SS is inherently intertwined with environmental and economic sustainability. The main ways by which SS can be mainstreamed are; planning, research, policy, advocacy and sensitisation, as well as monitoring and evaluation at the local, national, and international levels. The UN, governments, non-governmental organisations, academic and research institutions, business enterprises, and civil society have critical roles to play in mainstreaming SS in the SD agenda. These key stakeholders need to collaborate to make strategic interventions and investments in relevant social issues to inform policy and practice regarding the social dimension of sustainable development. The paper contributes to the debate on mainstreaming social sustainability in the sustainable development agenda.

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Justice Mensah. Social Sustainability: A Dwarf among giants in the Sustainable Development Pillars?. Asian Journal of Management. 2021; 12(2):127-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00019

Justice Mensah. Social Sustainability: A Dwarf among giants in the Sustainable Development Pillars?. Asian Journal of Management. 2021; 12(2):127-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2021.00019   Available on:

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