A business leader knows that the success comes through the path of experience. Life skills are not available in class room teaching but these are essential for an individual who is at his learning path. A business tycoon does a unique experimentation by sending his only son for a special mission which is only meant for understanding “What is life?” The son, a management student fights it out and gets converted to a polished diamond. The diamond merchant knows that the diamonds are required to be polished otherwise it does not carry the same worth. May be, that is that polishing act is the difference between the theories and practices.
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Udayan Das. Internship: The Shah way. Asian J. Management; 2017; 8(1):117-119.. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2017.00019.1
Udayan Das. Internship: The Shah way. Asian J. Management; 2017; 8(1):117-119.. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2017.00019.1 Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2016-8-1-19