Recognizing the important role played by Small and Medium Enterprises in the development processes of the Gambian economy, the government has taken several measures to foster and promote their growth. However, irrespective of these interventions, there still exist a number of constraints which continue to afflict the sector’s growth and performance. This study delves into the constraints that inhibit SMEs growth and investment in The Gambia. The study adopts a critical literature review as the research design. The study established the factors impeding growth of SMEs in The Gambia as lack of access to credit, inadequate managerial knowledge and skills, lack of access to market and limited access to business development services. The implication suggests the need to enhance the managerial capabilities of the SMEs entrepreneurs through training, as well as to provide easy access to finance, market and business development services.
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Musa L. Faal. Understanding binding Constraints to small and medium Enterprises (SMEs) in The Gambia: A Critical Review. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(2):216-221. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00034.7
Musa L. Faal. Understanding binding Constraints to small and medium Enterprises (SMEs) in The Gambia: A Critical Review. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(2):216-221. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00034.7 Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-11-2-14
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