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Author(s): Pallavi Kumari, Goutam Tanty

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DOI: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00025.6   

Address: Dr. Pallavi Kumari1, Dr. Goutam Tanty2
1Associate Professor, ICFAI University Jharkhand.
2Assistant Professor ICFAI University Jharkhand.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2020

At present time, the focus of the educational system is to build the nation by developing competency among the youth. There is no denying the fact that the youth can actively participate in the economic development of our country only when they are skilled and competent to perform. The workforce by earning a substantial amount of money can contribute towards the development and growth of the country. It is important to facilitate youth with the latest technology to upgrade their existing set of skills by imparting job oriented education and exposing them to practical training. India has achieved substantial development, since independence but still, the development needs of the country are high. To achieve the goal of industrialization and digitalization, India needs to take sound measures to impart sound knowledge to those who are deprived. In the field of education, various Committees and Commissions were constituted with a purpose to remove poverty and unemployment from the society. Skill development in our country can be targeted for effectively leveraged to teach students, enhance their skills to earn a decent livelihood and respect in society. Looking into the job crisis and competition in the job market, there is a need that students must be imparted with appropriate knowledge and provided with hand-on skills. This paper tries to address how soft skills development can be important to address many hidden issues of employability which is being faced by fresh graduates. The paper discusses how the present education system needs to be more practical and skills-based. The lack of access to education and training has also deprived the youth to take active participation in economic activity. The low quality of students and lack of involvement in the classroom is hampering their productive capacity. The paper will also attempt to bring out the discussion on steps that can be taken to address the issue of vocational training to bridge the gap of employment. The paper concludes the right efforts have to be made to equip the workforce with the right set of employable skills and knowledge

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Pallavi Kumari, Goutam Tanty. The Quest of Bridging the Gap Between Skill Training and Education Together for Sustainable Employability. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(2):161-166. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00025.6

Pallavi Kumari, Goutam Tanty. The Quest of Bridging the Gap Between Skill Training and Education Together for Sustainable Employability. Asian Journal of Management. 2020;11(2):161-166. doi: 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00025.6   Available on:

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