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Author(s): Manika Jain, Jhanvi Khurana

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DOI: 10.52711/2321-5763.2022.00003   

Address: Manika Jain1, Jhanvi Khurana2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma, New Delhi
2Student, Department of Commerce, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma, New Delhi
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2022

The rapid advancement in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has offered tremendous opportunities to different organizations engaged in serving customers. AI provides a platter of add-ons that promise to enhance relationships with the stakeholders, to seamlessly upgrade and update marketing initiatives and to positively impact the consumer buying behaviour process. COVID-19 pandemic emerged as an immitigable disaster for many businesses; however, at the same time, online platforms gave way for a new edition of digital marketing. Thanks to the e-commerce websites consumers are now purchasing anything and everything online be it groceries or vegetables or clothes or washing machines. The need to physically visit a store to shop appeared to have weakened against the compulsion to shop from home during pandemic. However, studies have shown that given a chance, consumers will not trade-off traditional mode of shopping for online shopping, at least not completely. There still exists a desire to connect- physically, socially and emotionally- to buying process. In order impart personal touch to online shopping experience of the consumers a new AI enabled application, ‘Chatbot’, was developed. Chatbot assumes a human persona to enhance consumers’ online shopping experience, modify (amplify) their expectations related to product and assist them in making an informed purchase decision. Chatbots are a novel and trending artificial intelligence (AI) innovation. Through this study we attempt to investigate the impact of AI enabled Chatbots on pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase behaviours of consumers in Delhi NCR region. The study proposes to investigate the relationship between consumers’ interface with AI enable chatbots and the impact thereof on pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase behaviours. The implications of the study to marketers have also been suggested. The research employs correlation and regression techniques to test the research hypothesis on the Page primary data collected using a structured and undisguised questionnaire. The sample size is projected to be 200 respondents.

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Manika Jain, Jhanvi Khurana. An Investigation into the relationship between AI enabled Chabot Interface and Online buying behavior of Consumers in Delhi NCR Region. Asian Journal of Management. 2022;13(1):11-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2022.00003

Manika Jain, Jhanvi Khurana. An Investigation into the relationship between AI enabled Chabot Interface and Online buying behavior of Consumers in Delhi NCR Region. Asian Journal of Management. 2022;13(1):11-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2022.00003   Available on:

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