The study focuses on bibliometric analysis of research on sexual harassment at workplace. The objective of the present study is to assess the trends, patterns, and distinctive features in global research as well as the output of publication, co-authorships, co-occurrences of keywords and citations related to this area. A bibliometric analysis was done using the Web of Science database to examine articles related to the topics of "sexual harassment" and "workplace." A total of 1593 documents were retrieved from the database and after refining them for language and type of documents, 1298 documents were selected for analysis. A software called Vos Viewer was used to understand linkages between authors, citations, and keywords. It is noted that most of the research work has been conducted in United States of America. Sexual harassment at workplace, though important, lacks extensive research in other countries. The existing body of work includes questionnaire based qualitative study, meta-analysis, and modelling techniques to understand the individual behaviour, perceptions, and consequences of sexual harassment in organizations. While the existing literature has made significant contributions, there is potential for further research in the related areas like bystander intervention, handling of sexual harassment complaints in corporate set ups and evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs mandated by some governments.
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Rachan Sareen. Sexual Harassment at Workplace: A Bibliometric Analysis. Asian Journal of Management. 2024;15(2):185-5. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2024.00030
Rachan Sareen. Sexual Harassment at Workplace: A Bibliometric Analysis. Asian Journal of Management. 2024;15(2):185-5. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2024.00030 Available on: https://ajmjournal.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-15-2-16
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