Ajit Kumar, Harbhan Singh
Ajit Kumar1, Harbhan Singh2
1Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, SPC Government College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, SPC Government College, Ajmer,Rajasthan, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
Introduction: Throughout this study, it was determined the behavioural impacts of consumers towards consumer durable goods and positioning and impulsivity of buying goods and to find out how a brand positions products and services and how to promote impulsive buying using the unique reference of consumer durable goods. Design/Methodology/Approach: A comprehensive literature review is conducted to examine the effects of positioning and impulsivity on consumer buying behaviour. Results, theoretical insights, and practical implications are then synthesized. Brand positioning and impulsive buying behaviour of consumer durable goods are also examined in this article. Result: Brand positioning can boost sales and provide financial benefits for a company. On the other hand, consumer impulsiveness can sometimes generate economic instability and sometimes foster brand loyalty through recurring purchases so situating consumer durable items is crucial for increasing the sale value of a company, consumer conduct towards these products appears impulsive. Discussion: Organizations may strategically employ brand positioning to create productive and pleased sell value. Understanding complex relationships and addressing the many satisfaction aspects can provide a competitive edge. Organizations employ effective brand positioning techniques to boost sales and improve consumers' perceptions of their products although there appears to be less impulsiveness when purchasing consumer durable products, an organization can improve this by using effective positioning techniques. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the expanding corpus of knowledge about how crucial brand positioning is to customer behaviour. The analysis of the multifaceted components of consumer behaviour will be helpful to investigators and managerial and organizational leaders who want to optimise the influence of brand positioning for the expansion of organizational values and organizational success.
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Ajit Kumar, Harbhan Singh. Impact of Consumer Behaviour on Brand Positioning and Impulsive Buying with Special Reference to Consumer Durable Goods. Asian Journal of Management. 2024;15(4):321-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2024.00050
Ajit Kumar, Harbhan Singh. Impact of Consumer Behaviour on Brand Positioning and Impulsive Buying with Special Reference to Consumer Durable Goods. Asian Journal of Management. 2024;15(4):321-8. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2024.00050 Available on:
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