Kanimozhi S., Hariharan P.
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Kanimozhi S.1, Hariharan P.2
1Assoicate Professor, Hallmark Business School, Santhapuram, Trichy - 620102, Tamilnadu, India.
2MBA Student, Hallmark Business School, Santhapuram, Trichy - 620102, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2023
Recent decades have witnessed the sudden shift by majority of the people towards the use of refined oil for both domestic and commercial purposes to prevent them from heart attack, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. However, cold pressed oil consumption is also attractive nowadays owing to its health benefits. This research study is significant to understand the customer preferences towards edible oil such as refined oil and cold-pressed oil. The study aimed to analyse the factors affecting the purchase decision of the customers towards refined oil and cold-pressed oil. The results revealed that the purchase of refined oil or cold-pressed oil depends upon the consumers’ interests, attitudes and their willingness to buy. The consumers of refined oil, cold-pressed oil or both preferred it for its quality and health benefits. There was a drastic shift from refined oil to cold-pressed oil, owing to health factors, advice from their doctors and peer influence. A majority of the respondents preferred using cold-pressed oil because they were influenced by their ancestors, advertisements and recommendations by friends and relatives. There was no significant difference in the preference of consumers towards the price factors of refined oil, cold-pressed oil or both. The customers of cold-pressed oil show greater preference towards it and like to continue the same as they are conscious about the health benefits. However, the packaging of the cooking oil should be taken care.
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Kanimozhi S., Hariharan P.. A Study on the Customer Preference and Purchase Decision of Refined Oil and Cold-Pressed Oil among Households in India. Asian Journal of Management.2023;14(1):52-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2023.00009
Kanimozhi S., Hariharan P.. A Study on the Customer Preference and Purchase Decision of Refined Oil and Cold-Pressed Oil among Households in India. Asian Journal of Management.2023;14(1):52-6. doi: 10.52711/2321-5763.2023.00009 Available on:
1. accessed on 30th June, 2022.
2. accessed on 30th June, 2022.
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